Wednesday, July 1, 2009

it's gona be worth it

"There are battles to be fought to
possess our promises. Joshua was a man of faith,
but he was also a warrior. This is also a reality we
must have—to possess our promises will require
us to fight for them. Anything that comes too
easily or too fast is usually insignificant. The
promises we have been given in these times are
some of the most significant ever given to the
people of God. Those who are not willing to fight
for them are not worthy of them."
-rick joyner

Thursday, June 25, 2009


So week 2 has come and gone, along with many amazing people. i am so blessed to be able to meet such awesome kids who really love God and are pressing in to know Him!

I have been reminded over the past couple of weeks, as i meet and am blessed by so many people, what an impact one person can have on someone's life. often times we go about our day with no regard to thos around us, people who could be hurting, needy, hungry, in need of comfort, love, compassion or mercy. Everyday we probably pass a person we could have blessed or encouraged, or that we in turn would have been blessed or encouraged by. every day at the AIDS camp i meet new people, people who have been here for years and among these people are prophets, evangilists, encouragers, blessers, healers and lovers of Jesus. never would i have imagined to find in this place such passionate and strong Jesus chasers! And so i am reminded that every day is an opportunity; an oppotunity to change a persons life, to bless, to love, to impact. i can see this so clearly through Jesus, who as one man came and by His simple and radical walk impacted countless lives and to this day is continuing to do so. think of the diference He made in the 12 disciples and then the diference the 12 made in dozens and the dozens in hundreds and the hundreds in thousands. Oh that we would live each day in such a meaningful way that the people God sends in our lives are impacted and then they in turn impact othres. i am challenged and blessed by this call to take each day and live it according to His walk, taking every trial as an opportunity to grow and bless. We have all been given a life to live, the real challenge lies in how we live each day as it comes our way.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

first week in the bahamas

so folks it has been the end of the begining week of a crazy three months. this little blogger bloop may seem highly impersonal, but it is pretty much the only i can update all the amazing people i wish i could share the sorties of this awesome adventures with!

many of you may know that before the rainbow comes the storm and so it has been this first week. sicnce day#1 we have had trials and are so very excited to see how awesome God has and will continue to come through for us! i wish i could share in detail all the amazingness that has been happening here but i will have to conform to a brief overview:(

the first day we got to the airport with nine bags and all of them 20 pounds overweight, awesomely enough the lady waived the $1,500 fee. (miracle #1). Soon after however, we found out the there was a glitch in the booking process and weren't going to be able to leave for another 3 days, however God worked that out also and through a series of long flights and hopefull waits we finally made it to the bahamas. (miracle #2). when we finally go to the airport, i all to soon discoverd that my luggage got lost, however a couple days later i got it back(miracle#3).

our first group of 25 awesome peeps arrived the next afternoon. little did we imagine that on the second day of working at the AIDS camp one of the kids would have a stroke. the first day the Dr. 's said it would take 6 months-1 yr to make a recovery however after much prayer he is now expected to make a full recover in two weeks! (miracle #4). it would take countless time of typing away to tell of all the awesome things that God has done this week. i have been so blessed by the first amazing group we have had and hope to see God's seal in in thier lives until earth and life fades away!

it has been amazing to laugh, pray and do life with the residents of the AIDS camp. Also, god has added a little desert to my dish down here my allowing us to go to a hispanic church, and it has been equaling awesome to talk and minister with my fellow hispanicans down here in the Bahamas. our second group of kids came yesterday and we are excited to see what God has planned for them. God's grace and AMAZING love has been our strenght this past week. please continue to pray for me and my health(not goood this week) and for safetly, grace and anointing for me and the team i am working with. much love to all.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

so it's been brought to my attention that i haven't blogged as of late. Some say that i just might have vanished, so i thought i would put up a little blog to update and put your minds at rest with the assurance i am quite alive.

i recently got back from another trip to mexico with an amazing family from the church i go to. We were there for a week and it was a great time. i got to teach a CPR/first aid class to the current students at our school of ministry and some of the staff. Spoke at the youth group and saw my family. all in all a refreshing time.

I am currently waiting to find out if i get into the BSN program i've been praying to get into in Sep. when i moved here two years ago i never realized how much work it would be, how much perseverance it would take and how hard it would really be, but i'm so blessed and gratefull for the people God has sent into my life to help me keep going and who have been such an encouragement to me. Ans hopefully through this little journey i've been traveling i have continued to grow and be continually rooted in faith.

I am also on a job hunt. it's lasted far more than i thought or wanted it to. for those of you how have had to do this, you know what it's like so there is no need to explain. And for those who have never had to endure the agony of awkward interviews, weird phone calls and interesting conversations with people who don't care....well you'll get your turn soon enough:)

My most current favorite music artist is kim walker(thanks to mc for always finding/spreading the good music) her cd is pretty freaking sweet.

And to sum my life up here is a pic of my most recent painting, which was used in a woman's conference last month. may life's journey continue on step at a time; following after the Christ in trust, hope and faith.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

may many mountains b conquered this year


Monday, December 24, 2007


so...another semester has come and gone. wow...time flies in a slow way...

finished finals friday. and left at 4 am today. . mon dec 24...and have arrived at my home. such a place of blessing and joy. so blessed by the family. it's more than i could ask to have these three weeks with them.

excited to see what's gona happen while i'm home./..try to keep you all updated.


p.s. have an awesome day of birth of thee christ.

Friday, December 7, 2007

song 12

Let this be the only love song i cry
Will you be the only love in my life
I ask you to draw me , i said i would run
So though i walk through the valley, yet will i trust
I ask to call me, i said i would come
So though i go up the mountain, yet will i run
Though my song be taken from me, yet will i sing, yet will i praise you
Though the joy be taken from me, yet will i laugh, yet will i shout unto you
Though the light be hidden from me, yet will i walk, yet will i run after you
Though my heart be slain within me yet will i trust, yet i will follow you
Because i know whatever you do ,you do through the eyes of mercy,
And nothing can be added to it , nothing can be taken away.
There is a time for every purpose under the heavens,
So tho my weaping may last the night,
Oh how your joy comes with the light
Though my song be taken from me, yet will i sing, yet will i praise you
Though my heart be slain within me yet will i trust, yet i will follow you